02 Dec 2022
Below are some major journals of mathematics education:
- African Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Level 1)
- Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (Level 1)
- Educational Studies in Mathematics (Level 2)
- Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Level 1)
- European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (Level 1)
- Far East Journal of Mathematical Education (Level 1)
- For the learning of mathematics (Level 1)
- International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (Level 1)
- International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education (Level 1)
- International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning (Level 1)
- International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (Level 1)
- International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (Level 1)
- Issues in the Undergraduate Mathematics Preparation of School Teachers: The Journal (Level 1)
- Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (Level 2)
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education (Level 2)
- LUMAT – International Journal on Math, Scienceand Technology Education (Level 1)
- Mathematical Thinking and Learning (Level 2)
- Mathematics Education Research Journal (Level 1)
- Mathematics Teacher Education and Development (Level 1)
- Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education (Level 1)
- PRIMUS – Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies (Level 1)
- Pythagoras (Level 1)
- REDIMAT – Journal of Research in Mathematics Education (Level 1)
- Research in Mathematics Education (Level 1)
- School Science and Mathematics (Level 1)
- Science & Education (Level 1)
- Teaching Mathematics and its Applications (Level 1)
- The Journal of Mathematical Behavior (Level 2)
- The Mathematics Educator (Level 1)
- The Mathematics Enthusiast (Level 1)
- The Teaching of Mathematics (Level 1)
- ZDM (Level 2)
The levels refer to the Norwegian register for Norwegian journals and publishers, where level 2 is the highest level (top 20% journals in a field).